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Centrepoint Church holds services all across Western Australia. Each service runs for 90 minutes with contemporary praise and worship, and a relevant message of faith. We would like to invite you to join us at our ‘Guest Lounge’ for a free coffee after any of our morning services. Our team would love to meet you and help you feel
at home.

Our Vision & Beliefs
We see a church whose people know their God and do great exploits in His name. They are powerful in prayer, hungry for His Word, intimate in worship and responsive to His Spirit.
We see a church that is caught up in the Great Commission. They save the lost, disciple the saved and empower the discipled to live up to their God-given destiny.
We see a church that is committed to raising a Godly next generation whilst honouring the wisdom and strength of the previous generations.
We see a church that is sacrificial in lifestyle; that its hands reach the poor, needy, orphaned and widowed.
We see a church that is united in cause and so influential in deed that it affects every strata of society with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I believe by the grace of God this could be our church.
We believe in God, who is eternal and self-existent, revealed as one being in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Creator of all things.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, ministering in teaching, healing, and miracles. He was crucified and died on our behalf. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He is now seated and exalted at the right hand of the Father as the risen Lord and Intercessor.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, fully divine, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. He convicts, regenerates and sanctifies, and guides believers into all truth.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired and infallible Word of God and our highest authority for faith and practice.
We believe that God created the universe and that all people are created in the image of God, to love and worship God.
We believe in the existence and person of the devil, who actively opposes the purposes of God.
We believe that all people have rejected God through their sinful acts and are separated from God.
We believe that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone who—by His suffering, shed blood, death on the cross, and resurrection—has made full atonement for the sins of all people. We receive salvation by grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Church, the body of Christ, is the community of people who confess faith in Jesus Christ. While universal, the Church is local in expression and witness. It exists for worship, fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, and mission. Gifts of ministry are given by Christ to strengthen and mature the Church.
We believe in water baptism by single immersion in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a public declaration of a person’s faith in, and identification with, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Lord’s Supper, which is in symbolic remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ until He returns.
We believe in the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, who convicts people of their sin and inspires repentance and faith. The Holy Spirit transforms believers into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is a transformative experience, distinct from and subsequent to salvation. It is available to all believers and accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. It results in empowerment for effective witness to the world.
We believe that the Holy Spirit imparts spiritual gifts to believers for ministry to one another, the Church and the world.
We believe that God heals today through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. By praying in faith for healing and miracles we witness to and continue the ministry of Jesus Christ.
We believe in, and look forward to, the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ to gather His people to Himself, and to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the resurrection of the body. All who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life in the presence of God; those who reject Him will have eternal separation from God. It is the call of all believers to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ until He returns.

Meet The Team
Ps. Joel & Sharon Chelliah
Joel and Sharon are the founders and senior pastors of Centrepoint Church, a multi-site church located in Perth. Joel was elected as the ACC State President of Western Australia in 2012 and has since brought a fresh vision to the State, leading to significant growth and improved health. Additionally, in 2018, Joel was appointed Director of Harvestnet, a church-planting movement that is passionate about championing church pioneers in Australia, and he has also served on the ACC National Executive since 2019. With over 25 years of ministry experience, Joel is a gifted leader and communicator.
Joel and his wife Sharon have been married for 22 years and have three sons. They have a deep desire to see marriages and families not only thrive but also be enriched. Joel's first book, "The Chat," equips fathers to have conversations with their sons about Godly sexuality. Joel and Sharon speak to hundreds of couples each year on how to build Godly, healthy marriages and families. They strongly believe that strong families build strong communities.
Ps. Peter & Eudora
Peter is the Executive Pastor of Centrepoint Church, a multi-site church, and is known for his humour, honesty and insightful communication style. He is also involved in church planting with multiple roles as the General Manager of Harvestnet and ACCWA Church Planting Director. Passionate about transforming communities for Christ through planting churches, Peter brings strategic and prophetic insight into his role. Dora has an Honours Degree in Theology and enjoys revealing God's heart for people through His Word using her teaching gift. They have been married for 17 years and have two sons, Judah and Ben. Together, they have been pastors with Centrepoint for 14 years.
Ps. Taryn & Mitch Hamilton
Ps Taryn & Mitch Hamilton are our Maddington Campus Pastors. Taryn is a vibrant communicator who is passionate about God’s word. Her energy and spark for life is contagious and makes her a dynamic and beloved leader. Mitch is an inspiring leader dedicated to seeing people fulfil their destiny in God. He is a gifted communicator who is full of compassion and wisdom. Taryn & Mitch proud parents to their Elijah, Jairah & Ava.
Ps. Joe & Lisa Rossi
Ps Joe and Lisa Rossi are the Campus Pastors of our Byford Campus. Joe is a passionate communicator who is committed to bringing Gods word to life in a contemporary and relevant way. Joe is dedicated to building God’s house and seeing people come into a relationship with Jesus.
Lisa is energetic, passionate and vibrant in all she does. She is an amazing worship leader who loves to see people connect with God through praise and worship.
Joe and Lisa have three children who serve alongside them and who are loved beyond measure.
Ps. Jess & Tim English
Jess & Tim English are the Campus Leaders of our Bibra Lake Campus. Jess is passionate about seeing people experience the love and grace of God and growing in their faith. Tim loves to see people encountering God and is a great encouragement to many!
They have two wonderful kids, Sharlie and Jake.
Ps. Talitha & Josh Lindley
Ps Talitha and Josh are the campus pastors of our Singleton Campus. Raised with parents in ministry, Talitha and Josh come with a wealth of leadership experience, having pastored in many different areas, from youth to worship, and most recently as part of our online campus. Talitha and Josh are passionate to see people released into their God-given gifting. They are very proud parents to their four young children, Malachi, Pyper, Jethro & Dakota.
Ps. John & Patti Hardy
John and Patti have been married and pastoring for 43 years. They are great leaders in our state and they have three beautiful adult children and 8 grandchildren. Pastoring country churches to city churches, church planting out in Byford in 2011 and in September last year, they planted our Narrogin Campus.